Saturday, December 28, 2019

Senior Software Engineer Job Description

Senior Software Engineer Job DescriptionSenior Software Engineer Job DescriptionSenior Software Engineer Job DescriptionThis senior software engineer sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Senior Software Engineer Job ResponsibilitiesDevelops information systems by studying operations designing, developing, and installing software solutions supports and develops software team.Senior Software Engineer Job DutiesDevelops software solutions by studying information needs conferring with users studying systems flow, data usage, and work processes investigating problem areas following the software development lifecycle.Determines operational feasibility by evaluating analysis, problem definition, requirements, solution development, and proposed solutions.Documents and demonstrates solutions by developing documentation, flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and clear code.Prepares and installs solutions by determining and designing system specifications, standards, and programming.Improves operations by conducting systems analysis recommending changes in policies and procedures.Updates job knowledge by studying state-of-the-art development tools, programming techniques, and computing equipment participating in educational opportunities reading professional publications maintaining personal networks participating in professional organizations.Protects operations by keeping information confidential.Provides information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing development and tafelgeschirr issues.Accomplishes engineering and organization mission by completing related results as needed.Supports and develops software engineers by providing advice, coaching and educational opportunities.Senior Software Engineer Skills and QualificationsAnalyzing Information, Software Desig n, Software Documentation, Software Testing, Teamwork, General Programming Skills, Software Development Fundamentals, Software Development Process, Software Requirements, Software Architecture, CoachingEmployers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Senior Software Engineer Jobs and apply on now. Find outmore abouthow to hireResume Search Spotting Exceptional TalentEvaluate a Job Candidates Social SkillsSample Interview Questions How to Interview

Monday, December 23, 2019

5 apps that can help maintain your work-life balance

5 apps that can help maintain your work-life balance5 apps that can help maintain your work-life balanceIf youre living a normal human life, you probably know what it feels like to lose track of your priorities and feel like your work is taking over your life. Weve all been told tostay off email before bedandnot to say yes to everything. But sometimes thats not enough.The work-life balance apps below are a great way to keep yourself on track and maintain your sanity.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more1.Timenye- Free for personal use, $9 for teams up to 5 (iOS/Android)This time-tracking app assesses the way you use your apps and shows you your time management habits. It connects to the apps you already use for time management and scheduling, like Basecamp, Asana and Google Calendar. Once its learned enough about you, it will suggest time entries for you to get shit done.2.Breathe- Free (iOS)The Breathe app checks in on you a few times a day, starting in the morning by asking you how youre feeling physically, mentally and emotionally. It offers a variety of four-to-10-minute meditation audio sessions you can tune into, or if you prefer to create your own, the app lets you do that, too. Its main focus is to take you out of a stressful state to help youjustbreathefor five minutes.3.Way Of Life- Free (iOS/Android)If you cant get a handle on your work-life balance, have you considered how factors like lack of sleep and missing meals could becontributing to your stress? This app helps you get rid of bad habits by enabling you to plot daily, weekly and monthly goals. It checks in with you throughout the day. It also features interactive bar charts to help you track your progress.4.Stress Tracker- Free (iOS/Android)Sometimes its just as simple as logging your stress levels on a daily basis. This app encourages you to record how stressed you are each day, as well a s the potential causes and symptoms. The goal is to show you patterns in your routine that are causing more stress than you need and to help you avoid the triggers that get to you most.5.BreakFree- Free (iOS/Android)If you believe youre not addicted to your phone, you either have incredible self-control or youre out of touch with reality. Its nothing to be ashamed of - were in this with you. This app aims to break you of your screen-time addiction by tracking your phone usage. It counts how many times you unlock your device and how many minutes youre on your phone. At the end of each day, it gives you a score, based on what it observed.This article first appeared on Swirled.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Its Not About Me, Its About You The 21 Questions You Need To Ask In A Job Interview

Its Not About Me, Its About You The 21 Questions You Need To Ask In A Job InterviewIts Not About Me, Its About You The 21 Questions You Need To Ask In A Job InterviewUse unterstellung 21 questions to thoroughly impress your next interviewer.Its time for my twice-a-year update of the best questions foryouto ask in an interview.Ive put this list together because so often we can forget what an interviews all about. It sure feelslike its about you, but its really not.An interview is actuallyabouthow you can help your future boss and future employer succeed. Itsaboutfinding out what their requirements and hopes are and matching up your background and experience with what they need.Overlooking unterstellung basic facts about the interview is easy. Theres so much else going on in your work, your life, and in your job search, that you can forget to look at the interview from the interviewers point of view. And thats a shame, because you need the interviewer to walk away from the interview th oroughly impressed.When I ran ansicht questions previously, one subscriber wrote back to sayI have to thank you I had an interview yesterday and it went great. When I asked about his leadership style and reward system his face lit up like a christmas tree.After he answered the question how can I help you receive your next promotion?, he began to give me advice on how I should negotiate for a higher starting salary.And thats exactly the point, Readers. By asking these questions, which focus on the needs, traits, and preferences of your future boss and future employer, youre demonstrating that you are somebody who is genuinely interested in their well-being. And the more interest we show in others, the more commitment they show to aiding our cause.With that in mind, heres the twice-a-year update to my collection of best interview questions. My aim here is to arm you with easy-to-ask, revealing-to-answer questions for you to take with you to an interview1. Whats the biggest change your group has gone through in the last year? Does your group feel like things are getting better in the economy and for your business?2. If I get the job, how do I earn a gold star on my performance review? What are the key accomplishments youd like to see in this role over the next year?3. Whats your (or my future boss) leadership style?4. About which competitor are you most worried?5. How does sales / operations / technology / marketing / finance work around here? (I.e., groups other than the one youre interviewing for.)6. What schriftart of people are successful here? What type of people are not?7. Whats one thing thats key to this companys success that somebody from outside the company wouldnt know about?8. How did you get your start in this industry? Why do you stay?9. What are your groups best and worst working relationships with other groups in the company? What are the pain points you have to deal with day-to-day?10. What keeps you up at night? Whats your biggest worry these da ys?11. Whats the timeline for making a decision on this ort? When should I get back in touch with you?12. The economy has been getting better, and theres a lot of hiring going on. Why did you decide to prioritize this position instead of the many others you could have hired for?13. What is your reward system? Is it a star system / team-oriented / equity-based / bonus-based / attaboy-based? Why is that your reward system? What do you guys hope to get out of it, and what actually happens when you put it into practice? What are the positives and the negatives of your reward system? If you could change any one thing, what would it be?14. What information is shared with the employees (revenues, costs, operating metrics)? Is this an open book shop, or do you play it closer to the vest? How is information shared? How do I get access to the information I need to be successful in this job?15. If we are going to have a very successful year in 2017, what will that look like? What will we have done over the next 10 months to make it successful? How does this position help achieve those goals? (This question helps show your ability to look beyond todays duties to the future more than a year away.)16. How does the company / my future boss do performance reviews? How do I make the most of the performance review process to ensure that Im doing the best I can for the company?17. What is the rhythm to the work around here? Is there a time of year that its all hands on deck and were pulling all-nighters, or is it pretty consistent throughout the year? How about during the week / month? Is it pretty evenly spread throughout the week / month, or are there crunch days?18. What type of industry / functional / skills-based experience and background are you looking for in the person who will fill this position? What would the perfect candidate look like? How do you assess my experience in comparison? What gaps do you see?19. What is your (or my future boss) hiring philosophy? Is it hi re the attitude / teach the skills or are you primarily looking to add people with domain expertise first and foremost?20. In my career, Ive primarily enjoyed working with big / small / growing / independent / private / public / family-run companies. If thats the case, how successful will I be at your firm?21. Who are the heroes at your company? What characteristics do the people who are most celebrated have in common with each other? Conversely, what are the characteristics that are common to the promising people you hired, but who then flamed out and failed or left? As Im considering whether or not Id be successful here, how should I think about the experiences of the heroes and of the flame-outs?I hope you find these questions useful in your interviews, ReadersIm rooting for you

Friday, December 13, 2019

Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Cross-Departmental CollaborationCross-Departmental CollaborationIn todays complex geschftliches miteinander environments, cross-departmental collaboration is more than a buzzword. Finance and accounting professionals are increasingly working with other departments as part of growing roles within their organizations, and theyre finding that such alliances are essential to company performance and career advancement.Not only can collaboration push business strategies to new heights, but knocking down the barriers between people and departments can help companies overcome obstacles and encourage employees to build workplace relationships and reach their full potential.Be sure to read Business Collaboration What Every Professional Needs to Know.So what happens when finance and accounting gruppes venture down the halls and travel to different floors so they can interact with other coworkers?They find out just how challenging it can be to work with the diversity of personalities and skill s ets in their companies. At least thats what CFOs said in response to a Robert Half survey. (See the infographic, below.)Here are some of the reasons CFOs cited as to why it can be so difficult to navigate the cross-departmental hurdle - and some recommended solutions.1. The range of personalitiesDiverse personalities abound in every company. Whether its working with the IT team on a new systems implementation or discussing how to handle special transactions with department managers, members of the finance team can interact with all types of people - from extroverts to introverts, leaders to followers.Solution An awareness of different personality types - and a respect for each - is a critical component of collaboration. In fact, team diversity is often recognized as an important ingredient in invigorating workplace environments. Training in team building can help groups learn to interact with each other and find the positive strengths in all personalities.2. Stressful situations Workplace stress can be found throughout the company, but other departments likely wont relate to the pressure of risk management and compliance regulations, for example, that accounting professionals face.Solution Take the initiative to provide positive feedback, strive to be a positive role model and be empathetic to the unique stressors facing your colleagues. Help cultivate an environment where employees feel respected and rewarded for their hard work, more connected to the company and committed to its success. A team lunch and recognition for good work wouldnt hurt, either.Subscribe to the Robert Half newsletter for articles and resources to help you build and manage a winning accounting and finance team - all sent directly to your inbox.3. Conflicting deadlinesSome parts of the company arent likely to share the long hours required of finance professionals during tax season or the deadlines associated with the end of the fiscal year.Solution Information can go a long way to en lightening the rest of the company to your deadlines. As needed, consider using internal communications or the company Intranet to get out the word about the needs of the finance team during busy periods. Also make sure to keep your project teams updated on looming deadlines.4. Different vocabulariesFinance and accounting professionals may explain the companys earnings, payroll, budget preparation and reporting in a way thats very different from what audiences across departments understand.Solution Effective collaboration requires communication, which means youll need to convey financial information in terms that co-workers outside the finance department will understand. Honing your soft skills can help you with that, along with the followingAvoid the use of finance jargonDont assume people will understand even the most basic of acronyms, such as GAAP, COGS and FASB.Define terms in the language a non-finance person will understand.Use visuals, such as pie charts and graphics, rather than spreadsheets.Finance and accounting professionals have a wealth of information and expertise to bring to cross-functional teams. Not only do they have technical expertise and skills in analysis and problem solving, but they also have business perspectives that others dont have.Others within the organization have ideas and talents to contribute as well, and when everyone gets together, thats cross-departmental collaboration at its finest. Paul McDonald Paul McDonald is senior executive director with Robert Half, the worlds first and largest specialized staffing firm. Over the course of his 30-year career with the com pany, he has spoken extensively on employment and management issues based on his work with thousands of companies and job seekers.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Cv and Resume Guide

Cv and Resume Guide Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Cv and Resume Is Wrong Among the vital differences you might come across is that some EU employers wish to find photographs on your CV. A lot of people make the error of employing the generalized version of resume when applying for jobs at various positions. Before you begin applying for jobs, youll need to find out which one is acceptable for you. To the contrary, resume is the most frequent document required from job applicants. In america, the primary difference between a CV and a resume is the function of the documents. CVs are frequently used to apply for jobs outside the usa. A CV is the key document needed for teaching positions and research. In different parts of the Earth, the expression CV keeps its American meaning. A letter thats attached to or sent with a different document (i.e. CV or resume) and contains the overview of some other document is called titelblatt Letter. Many times, the application i nstructions for a specific position will state if its the CV or resume is requested. If you neglect to compose professional resume or CV, you arent going to get attention of the reader even if youre qualified for the position. Regardless of whether you take advantage of a CV or resume, you should thoroughly edit your document. What Everybody Dislikes About Cv and Resume and Why Have somebody else review your CV, ideally someone in your area. Also, you should bear in mind that the general layout of a resume plays a massive role if an individual will go through your resume or not. Possessing the proper document for a work application is critical, and keeping both options on hand will guarantee youre prepared regardless of what the job posting requests. In the event the details indicated in the work post arent clear, take some time to call the organization and get clarification. Cv and Resume Its possible for you to customize its look so as to make it even more appealing and e ngaging at the identical time keeping it simple and tasteful. Since you can derive from its name, its utilised to learn about an individual in detail. You should jot every sort of skills and talents youve gathered by means of your life, but remember that it ought to be relevant to the corporate world. Write If youre applying for work abroad or a position in an organization that operates on a worldwide degree, you want to prove that you have what is necessary to stay informed about their fehlte nicht viel paced work environments. The New Angle On Cv and Resume Just Released Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that may aid you with your work search. Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective accomplishment statement. The CV needs to be arranged in a systematic and chronological fashion as the review needs to be in a position to find a good comprehension of your career path and personal improvement. In a CV, for instance, if youre asking for work in education, you may want to place your teaching experience near the top of your CV. Purpose The aim of the resume is to tailor your qualifications and experiences based on the particular demands of the work position. For more ideas about how to strengthen your program, have a look at our education and teaching resumes. Top Cv and Resume Secrets Along with contact information and education, CVs may incorporate any of these categories. It is extremely easy for potential employers to search social networking sites for email addresses, which might mean they find out a whole lot more about you than you would love. In some nations, a CV is typically the very first item a possible employer encounters about the job seeker and is typically utilised to screen applicants, often followed by means of an interview. Your CV wont get you the job but if done well, should offer you at the very least a foot in the door. Resumes are usually utilised to apply for virtually any work not in academics. Resumes are somewhat more common and its important that you know how to compose an effective resume if youre in the job application procedure. For instance, an Indian employer might ask you for a CV or a resume. So, when submitting an application for work in Greece, the united kingdom, or Denmark, your possible employer will ask you for a CV. If it comes to CVs, some employers are extremely specific about what they would like you to include and the way the info needs to be laid out. You may never fail with the standard CV as its the one which most employers expect to see.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Lost Secret of How to Put Report Writing on a Resume

The Lost Secret of How to Put Report Writing on a Resume Youre going to learn. Getting clear about your employment history is critical so youre giving a functional resume. Also, reading some leadership books will also enable you with the type of language you wish to use on your resume to describe yourself. It can also remind you to make certain to include things like those keywords linked to your abilities and qualification, which might help your resume make it through the applicant tracking system to an actual persons desk. Resume writing isnt simple, and there are several different opinions on how best to do it. This page sets out a number of the dos and donts of CV writing to aid you stay away from a number of the worst pitfalls and prepare a resume that will stick out from the crowd for all of the ideal factors. Facts, Fiction and How to Put Report Writing on a Resume You will often get a crystal clear brief for a report, including what it is youre studying and for whom the report ought to be well prepared. Its fast and simple to use. You should even have a look at the LinkedIn profiles of different folks that are in similar roles. Resumes start to look and sound the exact same. However, you wish to prevent flourishes and layouts which are so unique they dont look like resumes. Framing a resume can be a difficult task once we have to incorporate tutoring as our whole time profession. Before you dive too far into building your resume, its recommended to get familiar with key abilities linked to the job that you desire. Additionally, there are many means to communicate a single idea utilizing different action verbs, which enables you to bring some spice to your resume. When youve determined the most appropriate type, you will be prepared to start inserting behauptung abilities into the remainder of your resume and application. A great resume format is simple to scan. There aresome great on-line resourcesfor these kinds of keywords (and do nt underestimate the significance of a very good action verb) In the summary, David has used the proper words to create the most suitable picture of how he wishes to be perceived on the market. Essentially, a report is a brief, sharp, concise document thats written for a specific purpose and audience. To learn more on what it requires to be a Reporting Analyst, have a look at our complete Reporting Analyst Job Description. Keep in mind the executive summary is intended to provide busy executives a quick review of the contents of the report. A report is intended to lead people throughout the data in a structured way, but also to permit them to discover the info they want quickly and easily. Most Noticeable How to Put Report Writing on a Resume This section has to be kept short. If youre writing a report at work, check whether there are any conventional guidelines or structure that you should use. A complete resume includes these sections. Then take a look at the following res ume writing tips to learn to compose a resume optimizing each section for greatest success. The Principles of How to Put Report Writing on a Resume That You Will be Able to Learn From Beginning Right Away This provides credibility, but in addition increases the relevancy dependent on the method by which the program performs searches, according to Christy. Mentioning your career highlights is a great approach to stand besides the crowd and place a very good impression on your prospective employers. Make certain that your resume contains everything the employer has to be convinced that youre a fantastic match for the position. This manner in which the employer will immediately understand what sort of skills can be expected of you.

Friday, November 29, 2019

5 Resume Tips for Stay-at-Home Parents

5 Resume Tips for Stay-at-Home Parents5 Resume Tips for Stay-at-Home Parents5Many stay-at-home parents feel a bit insecure when they decide to re-enter the workforce. Its completely natural, especially with circulating news that parents are discriminated against. Rather than feel stressed about it, find that inner confidence and let it shine. Once you have your butt-kicking pants on, start plotting your next big move. The resume tips below for stay-at-home parents are sure to helpJenny Foss wrote an article titled Stay-at-Home Parent? How to Kill It on Your Comeback Resume to help parents make that first move back into the workforce. Weve included some of her advice and offered some of our own to help you make your first resume-based impression a great one5 Resume Tips for Stay-at-Home ParentsThe functional resume ditch itFrom the mouth of Elsa, let it go Sure, the functional resume is a great way to hide chronological gaps in employment, but is also a sure way to catch the attention of the recruiters, but not in a good way. Recruiters know the tricks all too well, and when they see your resume, theyll know youre trying to hide something. Rather than try to hide the years you were a stay-at-home parent, be honest about that time and use the typical reverse chronological resume format.Embrace the qualifications summary.For a typical professional who has never taken leave from the workforce, the qualifications summary may be a bit shorter because the resume is going to be focusing on the experience section. However, as a stay-at-home parent, the qualifications summary is a great place to put all those skills youve gained from staying home. (And, yes, youve gained a lot) Think of all the different projects and activities youve participated in over the years and compile a list of soft and hard skills. Just like that, youve got a nice list to market yourself.What experience? Youve got more than you knowTo fill the gaps on your resume, use every experience youve gain ed during that period of time. Did you work part-time or run a home-based business? What about volunteer activities or internships? Perhaps you were a freelancer once or twice? It all counts and can be listed on your resume. Pay or not, experience is experience use it.Write a killer cover letter.This is your place to shine and own it all. Rather than trying to hide the fact that you stayed home, briefly touch on it and then move on. Use the remainder of the cover letter to wow them with the things that you can do, the skills you have, and how you can use it all to contribute to the job and the overall company.Go digitalIf youve been out of the workforce for a while, a job search may seem a little foreign. Whereas at one time you could rely solely on your paper resume, you simply cant do that anymore. Move your professional documents and portfolio over to a digital format. The ease of it is immense and can save you a tremendous amount of time. Also, going digital makes it easy to get your information out to your network, which is where youll find a lot of support and leads.In addition to these tips, remember to take yourself seriously throughout the entire process. Dont mock your choice to be a stay-at-home parent as it leaves room for others to do the same or devalue your work. Feel confident in yourself, your skills, and your experiences. Employers will take notice if you show that you are confident about this next era in your professional life.Readers, have you made this transition? What resume tips for stay-at-home parents do you have to share? Let us know in the comment section below

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Build Confidence at Work

How to Build Confidence at Work How to Build Confidence at WorkHow to Improve Yur Self-Confidence at WorkIncrease your self-confidence to reap the benefits at work.Do you fear the prospect of making a mistake at work? Perhaps youre worried about getting something wrong or upsetting a colleague with honest feedback. While its natural to feel this way, a lack of self-confidence could actually hold you back in the workplace and prevent you from reaching your full potential. After all, having insecurities at work can make it hard to focus on your development and future success. On the other hand, being confident in yourself and your abilities helps you to feel good, increases your job satisfaction, and builds up your all-around happiness in your role.So, if you want to improve your self-confidence at work, check out our advice below.Be kind to yourselfWere often our own toughest critic. But if youre constantly thinking negative thoughts about your abilities and success, it can be hard to improve. So dont put yourself down Cut out negative language about yourself, focus on all the great skills you have and milestones youve reached, and think about what you can do instead of saying I cant.Most importantly, remember that its perfectly OK to make mistakes. In fact, mistakes help us to learn and improve. Next time you have a slip-up, instead of criticizing yourself, think of it as a learning experience you can use to avoid this happening again in the future. Fake it till you make itFeeling truly confident can take time, so hold your head up high, smile, and fake it till you make it. The right attitude will go a long way towards helping you think more positively.Be sure to act like you know your stuff. Even if youre feeling slightly doubtful, remember that your knowledge has gotten you this far already and will get you further in the future. If you continue to tell yourself that youre confident, in time, it will help you genuinely feel more confident. Whats more, others will see this self-assurance in you and theyll believe in your abilities too.Evaluate your performanceSeeing visible improvements in your work will increase your confidence in your abilities, and a great way to recognize this is to evaluate your performance. If you know your strengths, you can utilize these in the future, and, likewise, you can work on your weaknesses to help you improve in your role.Every time you complete a task, ask yourself if there was a better way you could have done it. Think about how you could be more productive and get better results, and then write down the actions youll take next time.Boost your skill setLearning new skills can help you become better at your job whether its soft skills, such as working on your communication with colleagues or hard skills related to your role, such as data handling.When youre performing better, youll feel more confident about your abilities and find new ways to work. Through this, you should be less likely to make the s ame mistake twice and be able to advance your career.Challenge yourselfWhen you push yourself out of your comfort zone, it helps you to learn what youre capable of. Naturally, this isnt always easy. Its understandable that youd want to stick with what youre good at, but challenging yourself is important for learning new skills and improving your self-confidence.When you achieve this, youll feel much more self-assured and see that youre able to do more than you thought was possible. In the future, youll feel more confident in taking on new tasks and trying out new roles. As a result, youll be able to propel yourself forward in your career.Stay informedWhen you know your stuff, you can speak more confidently about it, so make sure youre on the ball with whats happening in your industry. To do this, keep on top of the latest trends by researching news and updates, which could help you to identify new ways of working, as well.Dont forget the information thats on your doorstep either. Qu estion senior colleagues about their expertise to help you expand your knowledge. Whats more, consider undertaking regular training and development courses to ensure that your information is up to date. If youre clued up, your colleagues will turn to you for information, which can help you to feel knowledgeable and foster your self-confidence.Improving your self-confidence at workConfidence is important in the workplace not only for success, but also for feeling happy and satisfied. So make sure you embrace yours to ensure this isnt holding you back. If youre finding this difficult, remember you can always fake it until you make it to help you inject some positivity into your work life.Click on the following link for more advice on how to get ahead.Feeling insecure about your resume? One of our professional resume writers can boost your resume confidence Check out our resume-writing packages today.Recommended Reading12 Things Successful People Do Each Morning4 Ways to Get Out of You r Comfort Zone at WorkHow to Repair Your Reputation at Work After a Mistake

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Scandinavian life philosophies for a long, happy, and meaningful life

Scandinavian life philosophies for a long, happy, and meaningful lifeScandinavian life philosophies for a long, happy, and meaningful lifeBenjamin Franklin once said, Happiness consists mora in small conveniences or pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom.Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden are ranked among the top happiest places in the world. With a focus on balance and connection, each country has developed its own way of living life to the fullest.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreMillions of Scandinavians enjoy a healthy work-life balance, high standards of living with less pressure, less stress, and more time for everything they enjoy and love doing.Looking for a lifestyle change?Use some of these Scandinavian life philosophies to change yur perception about living a meaningful and fulfilling life.Rethinking the k eys to happiness.LagomLagom(pronounced lar-gohm) is is a huge parte of the culture in Sweden.It means Not too little. Not too much. Just right.This single word encapsulates the entire Swedish socially democratic philosophy on life that everyone should have enough but not too much.The concept encourages an overarching balance across our lives everything in moderation.At the office, professionals who work hard?- ?but not to the detriment of other parts of their lives?- ?are following thelagomideal.Rather than burning yourself out with a 60-hour working week and then getting stressed, lagom encourages balance and living somewhere in the middle.Other features include frugality, stress reduction, striking the perfect balance between work and play and focusing on environmental concerns and sustainability.The archetypical Swedish proverb, Lagom r bst, literally means, The right amount is best but is also translated as Enough is as good as a feast and There is virtue in moderation.You are p robably exercisinglagomis many aspects of your life already.For Swedes, lagom is a lifestyle, a habit of mind. Theres an internal mindset of acceptance and contentment in Sweden. Thats part of the secret to being happy?- ?dont obsess about it.The philosophy of lagom is beautifully simple, and offers an alternative to the idea of always seeking the next best thing.Anna Brones explains in her book,Live Lagom Balanced Living the Swedish Way, Applying a sense of lagom to our everyday lives?- ?in what we eat, what we wear, how we live, how we work?- ?might just be the trick for embracing a more balanced, sustainable lifestyle that welcomes the pleasures of existence rather than those of consumption.HyggeIn both Danish and Norwegian,hygge(pronounced as hoo-guh) means to give courage, comfort, joy.In Denmark, hygge is more than just a word?- ?its a central part of the culture.Its about giving your responsible, stressed-out self a break to live in the moment and enjoy your immediate environ ment.It is about enjoying life with friends and family, cherishing the moments. It is about grabbing hold of these moments and making them special. Not rushing through an activity so to move on to the next, it is about taking your time and enjoying what is before you now and not what is to come says Sofie Pedersen, in her book,Keep Calm Hygge A Guide to The Danish Art of Simple Cosy Living.Hygge is a feeling closely tied to being relaxed, happy, content and at peace with oneself. It is the absence of all pretence and worry.If you take time to lose yourself in a book, take a walk, ride a bike, share a meal, enjoy your favourite TV show with friends and family, or play board games, you are already practising hyggeIts the pleasure of simply being.You cannot hygge if you are in a hurry or stressed out.Hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience, rather than about things. It is about being with the people we love. A feeling of home. A feeling that we are safe, that we are shielded f rom the world and allow ourselves to let our guard down, writes Meik Wiking, in his book, The Little Book of Hygge Danish Secrets To Happy Living.The hygge lifestyle open to anyone. And its one of the best ways to practice self-care that feels sincere.LykkeLykke (pronounced loo-kah) is simply the Danish word for happiness.Copenhagen is probably the most Lykke place in the world. At five oclock in the afternoon everyone leaves work, rides home on their bicycles, does two hours of creative play with their children, goes out to do a random act of kindness to a stranger who wants to be left in peace, lights five candles and then settles down to watch several episodes of a Scandi-noir TV thriller about some psychopathic paedophile on the loose,writesMeik Wiking, author ofThe Little Book of Lykke Secrets of the Worlds Happiest People.Happiness isnt a destination, its a habit.Its what we do to make everything else in life awesome. And to be truly happy, you have to be actively involved in the direction of your are the only person alive who has sole custody of your life. Your particular life. Your entire life. Not just your life at a desk, or your life on the bus, or in the car, or at the computer, says Anna Quindlen, author ofA Short Guide to a Happy Life.Strive to install experiences of gratitude, gladness, moderation, accomplishment, feeling successful, feeling that theres a fullness in your life rather than an emptiness or a scarcity to live life to the fullest.No people can be truly happy if they do not feel that they are choosing the course of their own life, states theWorld Happiness Report 2012.The report also found that having this freedom of choice is one of the six factors that explain why some people are happier than others.SisuEtymologically, sisu (pronounced see-soo) comes from a Finnish root word that implies inner or inside. In Finnish culture, its about adopting the attitude of persistence and determination.Sisu is not momentary courage, but the ability to sustain that courage. It is a word that cannot be fully translated. It defines the Finnish people and their character. It stands for the philosophy that what must be done will be done, regardless of cost,accordingto Finlandia University.Its often described as stoic determination, the tenacity of purpose, grit, and resilience. Its a form of courage that is presented in situations where success is against the odds.Its about persevering your way through challenges.It is a compound of bravado and bravery, of ferocity and tenacity, of the ability to keep fighting after most people would have quit, and to fight with the will to win,The New York Timesexplained in 1940.Sisu is doing whats necessary even when its difficult.Sisu may be a Finnish word, but its a universal trait, says Joanna Nylund, author ofSisu The Finnish Art Of Courage.Closing thoughtsLife is unpredictable, but strong life philosophies can guide the way.A great lifestyle accrues benefits over time. Take time to enjoy lifes journey.You cannot be really first-rate at your work if your work is all you are, says Anna Quindlen.Embrace and practice some of these philosophies in your everyday life and, maybe, youll find out why Scandinavians are ranked as the happiest people in the worldThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people